Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Return To Earth And the Aftermath. . . .

Seasons Greetings to those of you who follow Lady Edwina's postings. 

While it's true we've been back on good old Terra Firma for over 12 days our dear Lady Edwina is still recovering from the rigors of our trip.  I'm quite certain she will be back in true form soon, but in the interim I will endeavor to share some of the highlights of the first part of our grand adventure. 

I arrived early to the SS Silverstar launch site to ensure preparations for the journey were well in hand; not only for myself, but also for our entire traveling party.  Having made many expeditions to various parts of the world I know that planning and preparation are crucial to the success of any enterprise; regardless if the trip is for pleasure or business.  I was quite pleased to see everything taken care of; Lord Bobbins and Captain Krieger are exceptionally good at detail and planning. At approximately 11:00 o' clock AM on Friday November 30th, Lord Bobbins personally greeted passengers who had arrived early.  There were many posies presented as well as photographs taken of passengers, crew and staff.  It was a splendid time and certainly helped build the excitement for events later in the day.

That afternoon shortly after 1:30 o'clock PM Lord Bobbins, Captain Krieger, various diplomats and guests greeted Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria amidst much fanfare, pomp and circumstance.  However, gaiety turned to horror when the Queen removed her veil, revealing a countenance much aged and ravaged by a strange illness or disease?  Even so Lord Bobbins quickly stilled the crowds reaction, and most warmly greeted Her Majesty, offering her a tour of the ship and facilities. 

Queen Victoria, escorted by Dr. Todd (the Queen's personal physician), and her many armed guards quickly left the reception area.  Guests could not help but notice that one of the Queen's attendants was carrying a strange lighted device that was physically connected to Her Majesty.  One can only speculate with some trepidation what this strange contraption's function might be?

The days festivities were exceptionally enjoyable as I was able to mingle amidst the crowds, marveling at the wondrous devices they carried, the creative clothing they wore and enjoying the variety of social strata represented. 
It was planned that Her Majesty would depart in mid afternoon giving the SS Silverstar a most Royal send off, and what would have been a most pleasant way to begin our journey was ruined by the arrival of the heinous Dr. Emanuel W. Proctocus.  Surrounded by his toadies and henchmen his presence aboard the ship destroyed any allusion of a trip that would be free from strife and worry.  The man is a bounder and his obsession with the color purple only reinforces his degenerate mind and hateful nature. 

After insulting Captain Krieger and confronting Lord Bobbins he had the audacity of physically touching Her Majesty without permission!!  It was a most foul and disgusting interaction to witness.  Fortunately, he quickly boarded the SS Silverstar, leaving the presence of Queen Victoria and a disgusted crowd.  Her Majesty quickly departed and the guests and crews dispersed soon after to begin preparations for our launch early in the evening. 

Yours faithfully,
Sebastian T. Keeler

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