Monday, November 26, 2012

A trip through the aether.....

November 26, 1882

The time has come my dear friends to throw off the mantle of mourning  and be a free spirit traveling the world once again.  My husband would have wished it so. 

I received a confirmation telegram from the purser of the HMS Silverstar regarding my forthcoming grand excursion to the Moon! I have been busily assembling the proper wardrobe for the forthcoming activities!  Lord Bobbins has been very gracious in sending an invitation to the Grand Ball on Saturday evening.  I understand that I shall be entertained by the First Brigade Band, a lively ensemble from the colonies which has some connection with the military.        

I am equally as delighted to find out that my fellow members of the Utopian Fellows of the Ordinate are just as eager for the new adventure as myself.  Who knows what great mysteries may unfold....I may even find a clue regarding the fate of my late husband!  My dear friends, Sebastian, Matthias and Laura have been my strength during this trying time in my life.  But as other old acquaintance, Sir Arthur, keeps reminding me.."the game's dear Edwina!"  And so it is... Arthur.. so it is!     

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