Friday, July 27, 2012

My fellow companions...introducing Bast

Sebastian T. Keeler
Nickname: Bast

Amateur archaeologist obsessed with ancient Egypt where the goddess Bast or Bastet is of special interest. 
Sebastian was born on the East Coast in the United States of America. His parents immigrated from England to pursue a new life since his father did not stand to inherit the family title which is currently with his uncle. He returned to England to pursue his love of archaeology for a brief time.

Sebastian T. Keeler at Beni Hasan

Having worked as a consultant with the Egyptian Exploration Society who is embarking on their second season of its ambitious ‘Archaeological Survey of Egypt’ which has the aim of recording the architecture and decoration at all Egypt’s standing monuments, he has had the pleasure of meeting with one of their  younger members, Howard Carter.

After serving as a valued consultant to the American president, Abraham Lincoln in his valiant fight against the forces of the undead, Sebastian has now turned his attention to the American West pursuing the myths and legends of the Native Americans who reside in these parts.  His aim is to tie their local beliefs to that of the ancient Egyptians.  


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